3 Ways to Create Date Table in Power BI DAX & Power Query

In this blog, we’ll take a step-by-step approach to create a Calendar table/date table in Power BI using DAX or Power Query. Whether you’re new to Power BI or an experienced user, this guide will help you understand the importance of a date table and provide you with the knowledge you need to create your own custom date table in Power BI.

What is Date Table?

In Power BI, a Date table is a table that contains a column of dates, along with other columns that provide additional information about those dates, such as year, quarter, month, day of the week, and so on. A date table is an essential element of any Power BI data model that involves time-based analysis or reporting.

You can create powerful time-based calculations and analyses, such as year-to-date (YTD) totals, rolling averages, and comparisons between different periods.

Different Ways to Create Date Table

  1. Auto Date/Time Table
  2. Create a Calendar table using DAX
  3. Create a Calendar table using Power Query
  4. Import Calendar Table

CALENDAR() vs CALENDARAUTO() | Calendar Function in Power BI

In DAX, both the CALENDAR() and CALENDARAUTO() functions are used to create date tables that can be used for time intelligence calculations. However, they differ in the way they generate the dates in the calendar table.

Calendar() Function in DAX

The CALENDAR() function is used to create a custom calendar table that includes a range of dates that are specified by the user. The syntax for the CALENDAR() function is as follows:

CALENDAR( start_date, end_date )

where start_date and end_date are date values that define the start and end of the date range for the calendar table.

CalendarAuto() DAX Function

CALENDARAUTO() function is used to automatically generate a calendar table based on the dates present in a date column in the data model. The CALENDARAUTO() function determines the start and end dates of the date column and generates a calendar table that includes all dates within that range. The syntax for the CALENDARAUTO() function is as follows:


Requirements for Creating a Date Table in Power BI Desktop

  • It must have a column of data type date (or date/time)—known as the date column.
  • The date column must contain unique values.
  • The date column must not contain BLANKs.
  • The date column must not have any missing dates.
  • The date column must span full years. A year isn’t necessarily a calendar year (January-December).
  • Turn off Auto Date Table
  • The date table must be marked as a date table.

Read more from Microsoft.

How to Create a Simple Date Table in Power BI using DAX

Here are the steps to create a date table in Power BI using DAX:

  • Open Power BI Desktop and click on the “Modeling” tab.
  • Click on “New Table” to create a new table.
  • In the formula bar, enter the following DAX formula to create a date table:
DAX DateTable = 
    //CALENDAR(DATE(2020,1,1), DATE(2024,12,31)),
    "Year", YEAR([Date]),
    "Quarter", "Q" & FORMAT(CEILING(MONTH([Date])/3, 1), "#"),
    "Quarter No", CEILING(MONTH([Date])/3, 1),
    "Month No", MONTH([Date]),
    "Month Name", FORMAT([Date], "MMMM"),
    "Month Short Name", FORMAT([Date], "MMM"),
    "Month Short Name Plus Year", FORMAT([Date], "MMM,yy"),
    "DateSort", FORMAT([Date], "yyyyMMdd"),
    "Day Name", FORMAT([Date], "dddd"),
    "Details", FORMAT([Date], "dd-MMM-yyyy"),
    "Day Number", DAY ( [Date] )
  • You can adjust the start and end dates to fit your specific needs.
  • Name the table “Date” or any other appropriate name.
  • Click on the “New Column” button in the “Modeling” tab to add a new column to the “Date” table.
  • Select the Date Column and change the data type to Date.
  • In the “Table Tools” tab, click on the “Mark as Date Table” button

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a fully functional date table in Power BI

How to Create Fiscal Date Table in Power BI using DAX

Here are the steps to create a Fiscal Date Table in Power BI using DAX:

  • Open Power BI Desktop and click on the “Modeling” tab.
  • Click on “New Table” to create a new table.
  • In the formula bar, enter the following DAX formula to create a Fiscal date table:
Fiscal DAX DateTable = 
    "Year", YEAR ( [Date] ),
    "Month", MONTH ( [Date] ),
    "Month Name", FORMAT ( [Date], "MMMM" ),
    "Month Short Name", FORMAT ( [Date], "MMM" ),
    "Month + Year Short", FORMAT ( [Date], "M/yy" ),
    "Year No + Month Number", FORMAT ( [Date], "yyyyMM" ),
    "Quarter", CEILING ( MONTH ( [Date] ), 3 ),
    "Quarter No", CEILING ( MONTH ( [Date] ), 3 ) / 3,
    "Day Name", FORMAT ( [Date], "dddd" ),
    "Day Number", DAY ( [Date] ),
    "Fiscal Year", IF ( MONTH ( [Date] ) >= FISCALMONTHSTART, YEAR ( [Date] ), YEAR ( [Date] ) - 1 ),
    "Fiscal Quarter", CEILING ( MONTH ( EDATE ( [Date], - FISCALMONTHSTART + 1 ) ), 3 ) / 3,
    "Fiscal Month Number", MONTH ( EDATE ( [Date], - FISCALMONTHSTART + 1 ) )
  • Select the Date Column and change the data type to Date.
  • In the “Table Tools” tab, click on the “Mark as Date Table” button

Once you have completed these steps, you will have a fully functional date table in Power BI

How to Create Date Table in Power BI using Power Query

To create a date table in Power Query, follow these steps:

  • Open Power BI Desktop and click on the “Transform data” button to open Power Query Editor.
  • In Power Query Editor, click on the “Home” tab, and then click on “New Source” and select “Blank Query.”
  • Rename the query by double-clicking on “Query1” in the “Queries” pane, and typing in a new name, such as “DateTable.”
  • Open advance editor and paste below Code:
    // Set the start and end date for the date table
    StartDate = #date(2020, 1, 1),
    EndDate = #date(2021, 12, 31),

    // Create a list of dates from the start to end date
    DateList = List.Dates(StartDate, Duration.Days(EndDate - StartDate) + 1, #duration(1,0,0,0)),

    // Convert the list to a table and add columns for year, month, day, etc.
    DateTable = Table.FromList(DateList, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"Date"}),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(DateTable,{{"Date", type date}}),
    #"Inserted Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Year", each Date.Year([Date]), Int32.Type),
    #"Inserted Month" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Year", "Month", each Date.Month([Date]), Int32.Type),
    #"Inserted Day" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Month", "Day", each Date.Day([Date]), Int32.Type),
    #"Inserted Weekday" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Day", "Weekday", each Date.DayOfWeek([Date]), Int32.Type),
    #"Inserted MonthName" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Weekday", "MonthName", each Date.ToText([Date], "MMMM"), type text),
    #"Inserted MonthNameShort" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted MonthName", "MonthNameShort", each Date.ToText([Date], "MMM"), type text),
    #"Inserted QuarterNo" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted MonthNameShort", "QuarterNo", each Date.QuarterOfYear([Date]), Int32.Type),
    #"Inserted YearQuarter" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted QuarterNo", "YearQuarter", each Text.Combine({Text.From([Year]), " Q", Text.From([QuarterNo])}), type text),
    #"Inserted YearMonth" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted YearQuarter", "YearMonth", each Text.Combine({Text.From([Year]), "-", Text.PadStart(Text.From([Month]), 2, "0")}), type text),
    #"Inserted YearMonthDay" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted YearMonth", "YearMonthDay", each Text.Combine({Text.From([Year]), Text.PadStart(Text.From([Month]), 2, "0"), Text.PadStart(Text.From([Day]), 2, "0")}), type text),
    #"Added Custom Column" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted YearMonthDay", "Month,Year", each Text.Combine({[MonthNameShort], ",", Text.Middle(Text.From([Year], "en-IN"), 2)}), type text),
    #"Inserted Merged Column" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom Column", "Quarter", each Text.Combine({"Q", Text.From([QuarterNo], "en-IN")}), type text)
    #"Inserted Merged Column"
  • Close and apply the changes to the query by clicking on the “Close & Apply” button.
  • Once you have completed these steps, you will have a fully functional date table in Power BI using Power Query

Benefits of Creating a Power BI Calendar Table / Date Table

Creating a date table in Power BI has several benefits, including:

  1. Time intelligence calculations: A date table makes it easy to perform time-based calculations such as year-to-date, month-to-date, and quarter-to-date comparisons.
  2. Consistent date format: By creating a date table, you can ensure that dates are consistently formatted throughout your data model, which makes it easier to create visualizations and perform calculations.
  3. Improved performance: When you mark a table as a date table, Power BI uses that table to create relationships with other tables containing dates. This helps to improve query performance when working with large datasets.
  4. Customization options: You can add additional columns to the date table to suit your specific needs. For example, you can add columns for fiscal year, week number, or holiday information.
  5. Easier reporting: Having a dedicated date table makes it easier to create reports that are focused on time-based metrics. You can easily group data by year, quarter, month, or day, and create time-based visualizations such as line charts or gauges.

Overall, creating a date table is an essential step in creating a well-designed data model in Power BI. It helps to improve query performance, make calculations easier, and provide consistency in date formatting.

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